School Meals Information
Parents may contact school if unsure about eligibility for Free School Meals.
Currently all children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 will receive a free school meal.
Payment for dinners (£2.50 child/£3.00 adult) to be paid on Parent Pay. Please contact the school office for help with Parent Pay.
Any dinner money arrears will be notified to parents weekly by letter.
Our 3 week menu is published on our website (see below) and the menu for the following week is published on our Friday newsletter.
All meals comply with the Government Regulations on healthy school dinners for children.
We hold Family Lunch Days when family members can join the children in school for lunch.
We are a Healthy School so please would parents providing a packed lunch for children consider the following requests:-
- Provide an appropriate amount of food with regard to age and appetite of your child
- Please include fruit or vegetables rather than crisps
- Do not include sweets or chocolate bars
- Ensure all drinks are still water or juice not fizzy drinks
- Provide a spoon for yoghurt, fruit or jelly as appropriate
We encourage all children to take home any food that is not eaten so parent/carers can monitor intake during the day.
School Meal MENU